
Showing posts from May, 2024

Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil -- The 3 Wise Monkeys

In the pantheon of symbolism, few motifs have captured the imagination quite like the Three Wise Monkeys. Originating from Japan, these iconic figures have transcended cultural boundaries, finding their way into Western culture and beyond. Yet, despite their widespread recognition, the interpretation of these monkeys varies significantly between the East and the West. The Origins: Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil The Three Wise Monkeys, known as "Mizaru, Kikazaru, and Iwazaru" in Japanese, are often depicted covering their eyes, ears, and mouth respectively. This representation embodies the proverbial principle of "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil," advocating for virtuous behavior and the avoidance of malicious thoughts and actions. Western Perception: A Symbol of Avoidance In Western culture, the Three Wise Monkeys are commonly interpreted as a moral lesson against willful ignorance. They are seen as a reminder to refrain from acknowledging wrongdo...

The Paradox of Free Speech in North America: Silencing Dissent in the Name of Democracy

In the Western world, particularly in North America, the concept of freedom of speech is often hailed as a cornerstone of democracy, a principle enshrined in constitutions and celebrated as a fundamental right. However, recent events have exposed a troubling paradox at the heart of this cherished freedom – the arrest and suppression of protesters who dare to challenge government policies or express dissenting opinions. In societies that pride themselves on their democratic values and commitment to liberty, the sight of peaceful demonstrators being detained for exercising their right to free speech is a jarring reminder of the fragility of our freedoms. How can we claim to uphold the principles of free speech when dissent is met with repression and punishment? Across North America, individuals and groups have taken to the streets to protest government actions, particularly in the realm of foreign policy. From anti-war demonstrations to rallies against human rights abuses, these activist...


  So Shogun has finished it's run.  I just finished watching the finale (A Dream of a Dream).  Now, the penultimate episode (Crimson Sky) was incredible, EPIC event! So naturally I thought, if episode 9 is this AWESOME....I can't WAIT FOR the finale...episode 10!   BUT boy was I WRONG.  T he finale was an underwhelming letdown! After all the build up, all the anticipation, THERE IS NO FINAL BIG BATTLE!!! You get lame hints of what will happen...BUT well that was it! Like what the heck?!! I mean, yeah they were faithful to the book in that regard, but really? Surely they could have improved on that like they did with other things.  I was also bit sad they did not change Mariko's fate in episode 9 (I already knew what happens to her from the  80s adaptation)...but at least they improved how it happens a bit.  It is TOO BAD is a ONE SEASON show, with no plans for a season 2. I understand the show ended where the book ended, and the book has no ...