ARGYLLE: Poetry in Motion (with colorful explosions)

I have been waiting for this movie to come out in Apple TV+ for sooo long!  

Finally its there, so I am resubscribing to Apple TV for a couple months just to watch this (and Halo, and Masters of the Air).  But yeah this was the main draw.  You did good Apple, ignore the brainless haters!

This movie is poetry in motion -- it sort of reminds me of Gattaca.  Specifically the dance/martial arts with modern weapons.  But Argylle takes it to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL.  So daring, so colorful, so bold!   That special spinning dance move! lol!  I think they might have taken inspiration from Scott Moir and Tessa Virtue's ice-melting, ultra-hot, seductive, ice skating routine that won them a gold medal at the 2018 Olympics....but in Argyle, Henry Cavill and Dua Lipa took it to brand new heights!   

I love how crazy and different, it's crazy...I love it! Soooo original! People wonder if the movie was based on a book, or if the book was based on the movie. And is Elly Conway even a real person???!!!  The cloak and dagger thing makes it soooo cool!  There was even speculation that Elly Conway was really none other than Taylor Swift.  But I disagree with that.  Taylor is talented for sure, she can write.  But I don't think she can write a spy novel.  

Unfortunately, as AWESOME as this movie is, it seems you either love it or hate it. 

It's today's movie audiences lack of desire to watch something brand new and different that ruined Argylle's fortunes at the box office. This is why practically every other film today is reboot, sequel or prequel....seems audiences don't want to give something new a chance.

I want to give credit to Apple for DARING to make something different, risky even. It's in their blood you would say.  A couple of decades ago, they dared to make a different kind of computer.  It was a flop at first or a niche success.  But today...they are the 2nd largest company in the world (worth 2.7 TRILLION). 

Maybe they will lose some money at the box office (they can afford it!) but maybe gain new subscribers or extra revenue in streaming.  This is a very entertaining film, it's worth getting at least a 1 month subscription to Apple TV.  My only disappointment is that Henry Cavill, who in the previews looks like he's one of he MAIN stars, but he is only on screen for like 10 mins total! But love the cat! He's the real star here lol

I am hoping for Argylle II!   Maybe with more screen time for Henry Cavill and/or John Cena, and Samuel L. Jackson too!   


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